January 19, 2024

We are pleased to announce, for the sixth year in a row, Advantage Capital has been named among Real Leaders Top Impact Companies for our work of supporting small businesses, financing affordable homes and expanding renewable energy access.
With more than 500 applications from more than 15 countries, the awards ranked privately owned companies by asking 30 questions within 6 categories of I.M.P.A.C.T (Intention, Model, People, Accountability, Collaboration and Transformation) to vet and rank companies based upon those parameters.
As a leading impact investor, Advantage Capital’s mission is to bring businesses, jobs and technologies to communities that have historically lacked access to investment capital, while producing competitive returns for our investors. It is this mission that brings us into the winner’s circle, and we are thrilled to be among other top impact companies such as the Sorenson Impact Group, Tru Earth Environmental Products and Generate Capital.
The Real Leaders Impact Awards, representing the top companies in the global impact economy, were created by Real Leaders Magazine, the world’s first sustainable business and leadership publication.
See the full list of top impact companies here.
Neither Real Leaders nor any of its affiliates is a current client of Advantage Capital or any of its affiliates or an investor in any private funds advised by Advantage Capital or any of its affiliates. Although Advantage Capital has paid an annual fee in previous years to participate in the Real Leaders Impact Collaborative and also paid a separate application fee to be considered for the Real Leaders Impact Awards, Real Leaders has not received any direct compensation, whether in cash or non-cash form, to select Advantage Capital as a Real Leader Top Impact Company for 2024. While Real Leaders and Advantage Capital have an existing relationship through Advantage Capital’s participation in the Real Leaders Impact Collaborative that could serve as an incentive to consider Advantage Capital for the Real Leaders Impact Awards, Advantage Capital is not aware of any other material conflicts of interest arising from Real Leaders relationship with Advantage Capital or its affiliates.