The third party statements in this video are statements ofpersons other than current clients or investors in private funds advised byAdvantage Capital, and although Advantage Capital did invest cash funds in PowerGen Components/Vegas Fastener Manufacturing through the NMTC Program, Arty Goeree,the company's president, has not received any direct compensation, whether incash or non-cash form, for the statements or opinions expressed herein. Thereare no known material conflicts of interest on the part of any third partymaking or expressing such statements or opinions resulting from such party'srelationship with Advantage Capital or from Advantage Capital’s cash investmentin Power Gen Components/Vegas Fastener Manufacturing or participation in anyfederal or state tax credit program.
Power Gen Components
Through access to flexible growth capital, Vegas-based Power Gen Components not only retained over 100 jobs, but generated 79 additional jobs, creating substantial impact on its community.
The company provides quality, accessible jobs and opportunities to move up quickly through employee training programs. Cesar Zalvalza, a second-generation Power Gen employee, started at the company as a machinist. Now, twelve years later, he's completed his schooling and remains at Power Gen as an engineer.